Narodni dom MariborThe Cultural diary is a project that encourages elementary school students to...
Narodni dom MariborThe Cultural diary is a project that encourages elementary school students to...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
In 2013/14 ca. 50 institutions from Slovenia joined in the Big careless boots program together with...
18.00 / Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV / Otvoritev...
Performers: Romana Krajnčan, Žigan Krajnčan, Kaja Janjić, Gašper Kunšek, Simona Kočar, Daniel...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Ana Bezjak (vocal), Igor Bezget (guitar) Sebastijan Duh (keyboards), Bruno Domiter (drums), Tadej...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
SporedFrancis Lai, Carl Sigman: Where Do I Begin / Kje naj začnem (iz filma Love story /...
Milan Kamnik (vocal, guitar)Kamnik’s music can be described as country music with a unique...
Marching band KUD Pošta Maribor was founded in 1931. Its members are of various ages and...
Marko Zaletelj – acoustic manouche guitar, Filip Vadnu - acoustic manouche guitar, Marko...
ZAKLONIŠČE PREPEVAVanja Alič (vocal), Mitja Marussig (bass), Miha Jerovec - Jerry (guitar), Peter...
Carmina Slovenica live in Balkan ethno improvisations The essence of the Balkan people is...
We all know Toš.We know he’s ours. We know he talks fast and a lot.We know he always...
Dana AlexanderOne of Canada’s most outspoken and hilarious women has packed her bags and is now in...
022 SIBINICUM MUNIMENTUM (CRO)DuMaR (MC , producer), Crescendo (MC, freestyler), Građanin Josip...
Aleš Bedrač alias DJ Splinta has been a DJ since 1998. In the past 16 years he co-created the...
00.00-24.00 / Gosposka/ Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV / Razstava10.00...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
Choral school CS Matevž Goršič, text by Mihael Lajlar HALO?! SOMEONE SHOULD BE THERE!...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
SLINGSHOTIndoor shooting with slingshots with metal bullets.Free for Lenta holders.GIANT TABLE...
Concept, directions: Minka Veselič Kološa Performers: Tanja Verglez, Nina Milin, Mojca Kasjak, Ines...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Actors: Matija Stipanič, Maša Žilavec, Matevž BiberDirections: Branka Nikl KlampferDramaturgy: Maja...
On stage: Najoua and AAIDuo Najoua is a music projecrt of Ana Kravanja and Samo Kutin. They...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
Teja Letonja, sopranAna Delin, mezzosopranMladen Delin, tenorSamo Ivačič, baritonSporedErskine...
Tomaž Domicelj (vocals, guitar, harmonica) Tomaž Domicelj’s trademarks are his guitar, a...
Vid Jamnik - vibraphoneStane Hebar - guitarNikola Matošič - double bassBernd Reiter – drumsThe...
BILBI & DIREKTORJI Bilbi (vocal), Peter Dekleva (guitar), Luka Herman Gaiser (bass,...
Tomi Meglič (guitar, vocal), Primož Benko (guitar), Jani Hace (bass), Tomaž O. Rous (keyboards,...
Director: Jaša JamnikCast:Metka: Violeta TomićKarli: Iztok ValičŠpelca (voice on the...
Boštjan Gorenc - PižamaHow and why did the Slovenian dialects develop, what influence does the...
THEE JAYBrought to life of music at the age of 13, playing bass guitar in three local (Slovenia,...
Vrtec T. Čečeve, Pal'ca Band OŠ A. Černejeve Makole, OŠ Pod Goro, SVŠG Ljubljana, Beatka &...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
00.00-24.00 / Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
Performing: Maja Kosmačin, Andreja Šraj, Mojca UssarProduction: Galerija plesa...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Story: brothers GrimmArrangement and directions: FRU-FRUPuppets and music: Marjan KunaverDrawings...
Jazz department, Conservatoire for music and ballet MariborThe Jazz department is the youngest...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
SporedVid HomšakFrédéric Chopin: Variations brillantes v B-duru, op. 12Joseph...
Tadej Vesenjak (vocal, guitar), Boštjan Imenšek (guitar)Tadej Vesenjak is one of the best Slovene...
Michaela Rabitsch (trumpet, flugelhorn), Robert Pawlik (guitar), Joe Abentung (double...
Banda Berimbau is a Brazilian percussion group composed of musicians from various Italian...
● Rosana Hribar in Gregor Luštek: FOURTEENDance performance Choreography and Performance:...
Actors/Actress: Vojko Belšak, Nataša Tič Ralijan, Andrej MurencTranslation, direction, and...
The new wave of Slovenian stand-up comedians!Young hopefuls: Tin Vodopivec, Andrej Tomšič, Janoš...
Urša Mihevc (vocal), Jure Mihevc (guitar), Miha Erič (harmonica), Rok Škrlj (bass), Timi Eler...
A selection of jazz, soul, funk, afrobeat and reggae rhythms!
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
OE Waldorfska šola MariborThe Waldorf school in Maribor will present itself with two theatre...
The opening ceremony of the international military practice Clever Ferret 2014.
00.00-24.00 / Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Actors: Juš Milčinski ajd Urška MlakarScenario and directions: Jure KarasCostumes and props:...
Choreography: Ajda Pfifer, Marko Urbanek, Jure Masten, Maša Dobrina, Maja Arzenšek, Jernej Tratnik,...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
SporedJohann Sebastian Bach: Sonata v E-duru BWV 1035Johann Jakob Froberger: Tombeau sur la...
Singer-songwriter Simona Černetič –Aynee has been making her own music since 2001. She was awarded...
Ibrica Jusić (guitar, vocals)His career spanning over four decades, Ibrica Jusić is a legendary...
SKID ROW (USA) Johnny Solinger (lead singer), Dave “The Snake” Sabo (guitars, back vocals),...
Ranko Purić – Campi, Danilo Šerbeđija and Mario Igrec (guitar), Pere Ištvančić, Nenad Jura...
Actors: Tadej Toš, Klemen SlakonjaSiTi Teater BTC and KrekerDirector: Aleksander...
Duel between two secondary schools from Maribor: Prva and II. gimnazija.
CUF is a collective of young music producers, DJs and visual artists from Maribor formed in 2010....
A selection of jazz, soul, funk, afrobeat and reggae rhythms!
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
Theatre, music, animationAuthor: Sten VilarPerformer: Sten Vilar -Studio Anima MedvodeAnimator,...
00.00-24.00 /Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV / Razstava10.00-18.00 /...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Acting: Lidija SušnikDirector: Saša JovanovićCoproduction of: Mestnega gledališča Ptuj, Gledališča...
The Beatles Tribute Band, III. gimnazija MariborSinging: Tajda Nemec, Iris Kečkeš, Eva Ragolič,...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
SporedWolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Sonata za violino in klavir št. 32 v B-duru, KV...
Dominik Bagola (piano, vocal), Robert Jukic (bass), Miran Celec (drums)Balladero, a new project...
Matjaž Dajčar – guitarMatej Hotko – double bassNino Mureškič – percussion This year, you can...
Actor: Matjaž JavšnikIn his new project, Matjaž Javšnik continues with his stripping and social...
Zoran Predin (vocal), Damir Kukuruzović (solo guitar), Bruno Urlić (violin, vocal), Ivo Sanković...
LEA LIKAR & BAND ● BARBARI (CRO) Lea Likar (vocal), Jernej Šuštaršič (keyboards), Janez Dular...
A selection of jazz, soul, funk, afrobeat and reggae rhythms!
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
Zavod Talija – ustvarjalni laboratorij Auntie Pika and Bunny Branko live somewhere close to...
00.00-24.00 / Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
ARCHERYIndoor shooting with bows.Free for Lenta holders.LASERMAXXFun game similar to paintball, but...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Directions: Robert WaltlActor: Tadej PišekBased on the brothers Grimm: Vesselin...
The Slovenian armed forces orchestra was established in 1996 and is a part of the Protocol...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
Prvonagrajenci tekmovanja TEMSIG 2014Ana Vajngerl, evfonijMirjana Kostić, klavirMentor: Nejc...
Jadranka Juras (vocal), Milan Stanisavljević (piano), Robert Jukič (double bass)Jadranka Juras,...
Idea, realization and selection of texts: Polona Vetrih and Saša TabakovićSinging and interpreting:...
Mirela Priselac Remi (MC, singer), Luka Tralic Shot (MC, producer), Erol Zejnilovic (guitar) , Ivan...
Bombino (vocal, guitars)Avi Salloway (guitars)Dia Djakrave (el. bass, vocal)Corey Wilhelm...
Adi Smolar (vocals, guitar)Adi Smolar is one of the best Slovenian singer-songwriters. He began...
SKEEBEEPMatevž Šmajs (guitar, vocal), Janko Hren (bass, vocal), Miha Hlade (drums), Igor Purg...
A selection of jazz, soul, funk, afrobeat and reggae rhythms!
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
Performing: Jana Jereb and Petra BaumanGrandma Jam is a 30-minutes long show for children. The...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
AIR RIFLEIndoor shooting with air rifle.Free for Lenta holders.MK LR 22 PISTOLShooting with...
00.00-24.00 / Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Actress: Irena RajhArrangement and directions: Irena RajhPuppets: Marina HrovatinScenography: Irena...
The Open dance show is a part of the regular programme of JSKD OI Maribor since 1992 and a regular...
Elda Viler was born in Koštabona, close to Koper. In her long and successful career, Elda performed...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
Franci ŠuštarMarko ArhBlaž OgričMarko PircTimotej ŠnoflMiha LončarJožek RošerBoštjan...
Boštjan Narat is a philosopher, musician, and singer-songwriter. With Katalena, the music group he...
GUAMNational Folk Dance Ensemble of Guam – Inetnon Gefpa’go, MerizoInetnon GEF Pa'go is a program...
Avtorji in igralci: Justin Durel, Alenka Marinič, Anja Bezlova The show is inspired by...
Authors and performers: Tea Vidmar and Alla Pugačova When the first snowflake falls into my...
Marko Grobler: acoustic guitar, vocalAndrej Veble: bass, vocalPeter Simonič: accordion, mouth...
JAMARAM (GER, USA, PUR, GBR)Tom Lugo (vocal), Samy Danger (guitars, vocals, backing-vocals),...
Cast: Vid Valič, Denis AvdićProduction: Špas teaterPlenty of laughter, provided by Vid Valič...
Improvisational theatre performance by the local troupe "Banda Ferdamana".
SCOTTISH WIDOWSSašo Prešeren (vocal, drums), Matjaž Koman (bass), Ciril Bizjak (guitar)Scottish...
Jure Avguštiner from Maribor, called F-Clef, is a member of the Dubomb collective, and is a noted...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
The little cockatoo moved to OŠ Antona Ingoliča from Spodnja Poslkava for some time, where he has...
The conductor has a problem. None oft he musicians is punctual, they all arrive late to the...
00.00-24.00 / Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV / Razstava-- --...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
LASERSNIPERLaser simulator shooting with a laser gun with a film simulating real shootings.Free for...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Mojca Robič Children will enter the kind and friendly world of Mojca, where they will learn...
The Open dance show is a part of the regular programme of JSKD OI Maribor since 1992 and a regular...
Miha Guštin (acoustic guitar)Peter Dekleva (el. guitar)Kaja Skrbinšek (vocal) Gušti is a...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
SPOREDFranci Šuštar Richard Strauss: Koncert za rog in orkester (prir. za klavir) št. 2,...
PETER ANDREJPeter Andrej is a poet, musician, guitarist, producer and one of the organisers of the...
The girl is sleep-deprived and enters a ”selfie” competition. Then she realizes that there is a...
Marko Hatlak – accordion, vocalGoran Bojčevski - clarinetMiha Meglič - guitarRok Hozjan – double...
ORLEKVlado Poredoš (vocals, guitar), Jure Tori (accordion, keyboards), Bojan Bergant (guitar),...
For over 20 years, Đorđe Balašević’s songs have touched millions of people across the region of...
Cast: Bojan EmeršičText: Rok Vilčnik, Bojan EmeršičDirector: Jaša JamnikActor in accompanying film:...
KLEMEN MAUHLERKlemen Mauhler is a stand-up comedian and professional actor. His performances are...
BURN FUSEGašper Podbregar (vocal), Jaka Tot (guitar), Jernej Luzar (guitar), Miha Hlastec (bass),...
KEYSER & SHURIKEN (Crate Soul Brothers, Budapest)TOM WIELAND (7Samurai, Panoptikum,...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
Participants:Snježana Premuš, Andreja Podrzavnik, Gregor Kamnikar, Marcandrea Bragalini and...
00.00-24.00 / Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV / Razstava00.00-24.00...
The association for cultural education Krog is known for its foklore group Krog which would not be...
Performing: Gorazd Žilavec, Miha Brajnik and Goran ZavršnikThree undertakers, masters of their...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
BLOWGUNIndoor shooting of steel arrows with your own breath.Free for Lenta holders.LASERMAXXFun...
dance-theatre show for children Concept: Zala GazvodaDirections, choreography: Goga...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Text and directions: Uroš PotočnikChoreography: Sabina SchwennerPerformers: Vila Strelčica - Sabina...
The conductor has a problem. None oft he musicians is punctual, they all arrive late to the...
Habib Meftah Bousherhri (dammam, zarb, tempo darbuka, deyr, flute, vocal)Mahan Mirarab...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
The first singer-songwriter festival KANTFEST took place in 2003. Since then the festival has seen...
SPOREDKatja Veronika in Valentin NovakJohn Dowland: Dobrodošlica mojemu gospodu...
What would happen if the same show was repeated for decades and decades?The actors would change,...
Maja Založnik - vocal, Marko Zaletelj - guitar, Denis Horvat - keyboards, Marko...
TINKARA KOVAČ & BANDTinkara Kovač (vocal, flute), Marko Stropnik (solo guitar), Mare Verbič...
Vasko Atanasovski (saxophone, flute) Vasil Hađimanov (piano) Jošt Drašler (double bass) Krunoslav...
Stand-up Cannabis presents stories that you most likely have not heard yet. Secret documents,...
TIM URBANYA(Rush Hour, Sweet Entertainment)Roush hour is an idea of Tim Urbanya from 2009 about...
(Eng.: Auntie’s delights)The nostalgic music box of the 60s, 70s and 80s of our common ”auntie”...
Cycling along the Drava river to Ptuj and back (recreational cycling for families).Free for members...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
What would happen if the same show was repeated for decades and decades?The actors would change,...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
00.00-24.00 / Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV / Razstava18.00...
The musical-dance group Margaritki is a group of musically talented children aged 5 to 15 from...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Performer: Eva Škofič Maurer Mrs Bewildered is a bit special, to put it nicely. She...
What would happen if the same show was repeated for decades and decades?The actors would change,...
Concert of planetary gongsMojca Morya Malek & Dušan Mamut Badovinac Zupanjič with...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
SPOREDMalcolm Arnold: Fantazija za flavto in klarinetGordon Lewin: Španska nostalgija...
Branko Završan (vocal), Boštjan Gombač (clarinet, pipes, trumpet), Uroš Rakovec (guitar), Blaž...
Both characters from the performance are chefs who first appeared in 2005 in the show called...
Performers: Nika Kovač, Gašper Fele - Žorž, Vlado Odar, Mistral Majer, Eva Jus, Olivija Grafenauer,...
Habib Meftah Bousherhri (dammam, zarb, tempo darbuka, deyr, flute, vocal)Mahan Mirarab...
Branko Golubović (vocal), Alen Jovanović (guitar), Leonid Pilipović (guitar), Vladislav Kokotović...
Tribute to Depeche Mode Conductor: Aleš Suša Tadeja Molan, Miha Nemanič...
Winston McAnuff (vocal, accoustic guitar) Fixi (François-Xavier Bossard) (accordion, piano,...
Aleš Noval (SLO)Srdjan Jovanović (SRB)Srdjan Jovanović was born in 1979 in Beograd and...
Mario Pešić (vocal), Janez Rotman (guitar, back vocal), Bratko Zavrnik (guitar, back vocal), Matic...
A selection of jazz, soul, funk, afrobeat and reggae rhythms!
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
Logatec music school Mission impossible is the name of the school band of the jazz, rock,...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
00.00-24.00 / Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV / Razstava00.00-24.00...
Drum concertLet the drum sound to the sky and beyond, to the sun and back!
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Both characters from the performance are chefs who first appeared in 2005 in the show called...
Performing: Andrej RotovnikProduction: Čarobna dežela The children will help the magician to...
Ballet Folklórico Latinoamericano "Santiago del Estero", Santiago del EsteroSince the...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
Theatre and juggling show. Heidi Blumenfeld is coming in the name of art. Her art, her skittles,...
SPOREDNejc Zahrastnik Alexander Arutiunian: Koncert za trobento in orkester v As-duru...
Renata Lapanja (accordion), Jani Kutin (vocal)Bakalina duo got his name after the big clay bowl....
An innocent mistake has dreadful consequences for a tourist, caught at the border crossing, caught...
The sublime comedy of Oskar meets the musical virtuosity and charm of Strudel. All their shows take...
Neca Falk – vocal, Boštjan Narat – guitar, Boštjan Gombač – brass, Žiga Golob –...
Lord Bishop (guitar, vocals), Steffen Thiede (drums), Cecil Drackett (bass)Lord Bishop Rocks...
THE CULTURAL ART ASSOCIATION ŠTUDENT MARIBORThe Cultural Art Association Študent Maribor...
Marko Črnčec (piano, Fender Rhodes) Mark Shim (saxophones, EWC) Chris Jennings (el. bass, double...
Željko Vukmirica, from the poor man to the president ... everyone on the list!
KLEEMARMatej Končan alias kleemar from Murska Sobota is a unique enfant terrible of local IDM...
A selection of jazz, soul, funk, afrobeat and reggae rhythms!
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
Ormož music schoolChoreographer: Slavčo Stoleski Peter and the wolf is probably the most...
Installation for the promotion of communication. Between you, dear visitors!
The coloured ones are monochromatic, but multi-coloured. They drive around in their vehicle and...
A very theatrical guided city tour! Experience the city! Feel its real throb! Experience its...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
00.00-24.00 / Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV / Razstava00.00-24.00...
Performers: Arianna Curcio , Francesco Micca , Lodovico Bordignon , Lucia Giordano, Marco Andorno ,...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
The sublime comedy of Oskar meets the musical virtuosity and charm of Strudel. All their shows take...
Authors: Alice and Kajetan Čop, Gorazd PlankoPuppeteer: Kajetan ČopGuitar: Gorazd PlankoProduced...
A very theatrical guided city tour! Experience the city! Feel its real throb! Experience its...
Vesna Čobal (violin), Daliborka Ancel (accordion), Petar Marić (guitar), Branko Smrtnik (double...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
SporedJohann Sebastian Bach: Preludij in fuga št. 3 v Cis-duru, BWV 848Johann Sebastian...
Ditka (vocal, acoustic guitar)20-year-old Ditka is a new face and real refreshment on the...
How to understand the world … if not through juggling. (Alain Marc)Get ready for a juggling...
The Orchestra of Slovenian Armed Forces first introduced its Big band in 1996. Many songs performed...
Ping Pong Ball Mouth Juggling is his signature act and when you add into the mix weird circus...
Mihael Hrustelj - guitar, Ilj Pušnik – double bass, Matic Črešnik - drumsThe trio is a new...
Drago Mislej Mef (guitar, vocal), Armando Šturman (guitar)Mef is a Lent child. If there was no...
Vasko Atanasovski (saxophones, flutes)Simone Zanchini (accordion)Žiga Golob (double bass)Krunoslav...
Performers, actors: Sébastien Čopko Fraboulet, Manca UršičVertical dance with multimedia VERTIGO...
Aleksander ZadelApokalypsis – Greek, disclosure, revelation. Why are we afraid of the apocalypse?...
Ranko Purić – Campi, Danilo Šerbeđija and Mario Igrec (guitar), Pere Ištvančić, Nenad Jura...
THE PYRAMIDSVanesa Tomažič (vocal), Ana Medved (bass), Gašper Šantl (guitar), Boštjan Mihelač...
A selection of jazz, soul, funk, afrobeat and reggae rhythms!
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
Jazz School Ravne 2014Can kids who have just entered their teenage years play jazz? Yes, they...
Installation for the promotion of communication. Between you, dear visitors!
This is a simple love story. Amelio Pelo is a lonely man although he is convinced that he is...
00.00-24.00 / Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV / Razstava00.00-24.00 /...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
LASERSNIPERLaser simulator shooting with a laser gun with a film simulating real shootings.Free for...
A very theatrical guided city tour! Experience the city! Feel its real throb! Experience its...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Ping Pong Ball Mouth Juggling is his signature act and when you add into the mix weird circus...
Directions: Peter SrpčičActors: Jernej Čampelj, Oskar Kranjc, Urška VučakProduction: Mestnega...
A very theatrical guided city tour! Experience the city! Feel its real throb! Experience its...
Concerts by Nana Milčinski are intimate evenings full of music and poetry accompanied by excellent...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
SporedLudwig van Beethoven: 7 variacij na Mozartovo temo iz opere Čarobna piščal za violončelo...
Goga (vocal), Žare (bass), Zergoloff (violin)This time Zmelkoow will be performing with the...
How to understand the world … if not through juggling. (Alain Marc)Get ready for a juggling...
Polona Udovič - vocal, Timi Krajnc - guitar, Vojko Vešligaj - guitar, Mitja Režman -...
BAD COPYMCs: Ajs Nigrutin (Vladan Aksentijević), Timbe (Rašid Kurtanović), Wikluh Sky (Đorđe...
English Student Theatre, II. gimnazija MariborProducer: Ivan LorenčičDirector: Matjaž...
Arturo Santillanes (saxophones)Gilberto Cervantes (trumpet)Christian Jimenez (keyboards)Samo...
A nice connection of four young people telling the story of falling in love.
Boštjan Gorenc – Pižama, Tadej Toš, Jernej Celec, Gašper Bergant in Perica Jerković Man, I died!...
FEDJAFedja's love for the underground goes back to year 2000, when he was heavily influenced by...
A selection of jazz, soul, funk, afrobeat and reggae rhythms!
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
EOS Maribor English Kids Theatre is a fresh wind on the youth scene in Maribor. The kids in...
World-renowned magician Osvaldo Drevno surprises the audience with his outlandish and incredible...
00.00-24.00 / Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV / Razstava00.00-24.00 /...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
ARCHERYIndoor shooting with bows.Free for Lenta holders.BUMPER BALLFunny football: the players are...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
World-renowned magician Osvaldo Drevno surprises the audience with his outlandish and incredible...
Scenario: Katja Kähkönen, Katja PovšeDirections: Katja KähkönenActors: Mateja Ocepek/Rada Kikelj...
Bridge is a dance show – on one side, there are oriental dancers and on the other flamenco dancers....
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
Don’t expect contemporary drama no classical theatre, don’t even expect post-modernism or arthouse....
SporedJoaquín Rodrigo: Invocación y danza / Povabilo in ples (»Homenaje a Manuel de Falla / poklon...
Jure Ivanušič (keyboards, vocals)Jure Ivanušič is an acclaimed Slovenian actor, musician, chanson...
This is a simple love story. Amelio Pelo is a lonely man although he is convinced that he is...
Don’t expect contemporary drama no classical theatre, don’t even expect post-modernism or arthouse....
Tjaša Fabjančič – vocal, composition, melodic percussion, Marko Brdnik –...
Gilberto Lazo (vocal), Eduardo Malave (guitar), Gian Piero Gigante (guitar), Claudio Castellano...
Zakiya Hooker (vocals), Chris James (vocals), John Lee Sanders (piano, sax, vocals), Frank Folgmann...
Maria João (vocal)João Farinha (Fender Rhoder, keyboards)André Nascimento (electronics,...
San-San theatre is a theatre of animation and other forms of visual arts that combines different...
Vlado Kreslin (guitar, vocals)Guest: Milan Kreslin (vocals)For nearly two decades, Vlado Kreslin...
MEDUZALEM Rok (guitars, vocals), Matjaž (bass), Blaž (drums)Meduzalem is a project that emerged...
David Šribar is one of those DJs that represent quality jazz, soul and electronic music in the most...
Javna stranišča / TOALETNI PROJEKT, Društvo Rezidenca Maistrova / Razstava00.00-24.00 /...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
Zavod Posluh, Zgornja Polskava The band My Way comes from Zgornja Polskava and was formed by...
Dream is a story like a dream, silence as a contrast to the loud and energetic festival atmosphere....
There will be an interesting competition going on in Maribor during the World cup:EUROPARK’S...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
BLOWGUNIndoor shooting of steel arrows with your own breath.Free for Lenta holders.LASERMAXXFun...
Text by: Aleksandra Blagojević and Mirjana ŠajinovićDirected by: Aleksandra BlagojevićPerformers:...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Performer: Melita OsojnikScenario: Melita OsojnikMusic: Blaž JurjevčičScenography and puppets:...
Prireditev je odpovedana zaradi tehničnih težav z letalom.Hvala za razumevanje.
Brina Vogelnik (vocal, sound instruments), Janez Dovč (acordion, fender rhodes, sound effects,...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
SporedJoseph Haydn: Godalni kvartet op. 76, št. 1 v G-duruAntonin Dvorak: Godalni kvartet...
Sasa Olenjuk (guitar, vocals), Boštjan Gombač (clarinet, Celtic whistles, Irish drum, ocarina,...
Dream is a story like a dream, silence as a contrast to the loud and energetic festival atmosphere....
John Lee Sanders - vocal, keyboards, saxophoneRobert “Dackel” Hirmer – vocal, accordionErwin...
DIVLJE JAGODEDamjan Deurić (keyboards), Nasko Budimlić (drums, back vocal), Išpan Andraš (bass,...
Ian Monteith Lewis Bass Guitar), Roger Melville Lewis Riddum (guitar), Lancelot Raynaldo Hall...
Steve Patterson (saxophones, percussion, vocal)Ray Murray (saxophones, percussion, vocal)Zakari...
6 comedians will present 10 minutes of their best stand up material. By the end of the evening the...
BLOODY TADIBloody Tadi from the renowned Maribor group with the name Total Fusion is back from...
Today, the owner of ISM Records, producer and DJ Andy Williams alias YAM WHO? is one of the most...
00.00-24.00 / Rotovški trg / ZAŽIVI MARIBOR, Društvo Hiša!, Zavod za turizem Maribor -...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
After concluding a very creative school year the pupils of KUD Coda will present a relaxed, summery...
Hamprdans is a street show with puppets, Shakespeare interpreted with kitchen utensils.
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
SLINGSHOTIndoor shooting with slingshots with metal bullets.Free for Lenta holders.GIANT TABLE...
"People! Our saviour is here! Give him all of your assets and you will receive heavenly...
Performing: Gašper and Miha MalekBrothers Malek, Gašper and Miha, are members of the...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Damjana dedicates most of her life to music and its making. She has been singing for nearly 30...
Samson group, Cirkokrog, Malek brothers, TigriceLike all festivals, this year’s Artkamp deserves...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
Koncert Saše Gerželj Donaldson je zaradi bolezni odpovedan. SporedDomenico Scarlatti: 7...
Gorazd Černec (basprim, vocals), Miro Kobal (double bas, vokal), Miro Kumer (tambourine, vocal),...
The internationally awarded Slovenian magician Sam Sebastian will show you his best tricks. Come...
A tribute to John Lee HookerZakiya Hooker - vocalChris James – vocal, bassJohn Lee Sanders –...
Soulfingers’s music is a mix of groove and hippie disco music and has been embraced by audiences...
20 YEARS OF JINXJadranka Ivaniš – Yaya (vocal), Gordan Muratović – Coki (guitar), Berko Muratović...
Vasko Atanasovski (saxophone, vocal)Dejan Lapajna (guitar, vocal)Marjan Stanič (drums, percussion,...
The new gardener in the majestic iron garden has problems with his work. But his problems quickly...
2008, 90 minReality is a comedy full of socially lost characters who try to realize their...
SAŠO SANDIČ TRIOSašo Sandič (vocal, guitar), Samo Pečar (bass), Matej Horvat (drums)After...
The last dance will be left to the pioneer of the renowned UK Jazz Dance scene – Paul Murhpy. Paul...