Narodni dom MariborThe Cultural diary is a project that encourages elementary school students to...
Narodni dom MariborThe Cultural diary is a project that encourages elementary school students to...
ART KAMP – festival of creativity 2014Free as a bird!Exploring and creating are a way of life....
In 2013/14 ca. 50 institutions from Slovenia joined in the Big careless boots program together with...
18.00 / Gosposka / Igor Unuk: KARIKATURE ZNANIH MARIBORČANOV / Otvoritev...
Performers: Romana Krajnčan, Žigan Krajnčan, Kaja Janjić, Gašper Kunšek, Simona Kočar, Daniel...
2 hours of free bowling.Shoes: 1,60€ per person.1 free hour of billiards for Lenta holders.
Ana Bezjak (vocal), Igor Bezget (guitar) Sebastijan Duh (keyboards), Bruno Domiter (drums), Tadej...
Sladolent, the street food festival, is the biggest promenade of top Slovenian cooks. More than 30...
SporedFrancis Lai, Carl Sigman: Where Do I Begin / Kje naj začnem (iz filma Love story /...
Milan Kamnik (vocal, guitar)Kamnik’s music can be described as country music with a unique...
Marching band KUD Pošta Maribor was founded in 1931. Its members are of various ages and...
Marko Zaletelj – acoustic manouche guitar, Filip Vadnu - acoustic manouche guitar, Marko...
ZAKLONIŠČE PREPEVAVanja Alič (vocal), Mitja Marussig (bass), Miha Jerovec - Jerry (guitar), Peter...
Carmina Slovenica live in Balkan ethno improvisations The essence of the Balkan people is...
We all know Toš.We know he’s ours. We know he talks fast and a lot.We know he always...
Dana AlexanderOne of Canada’s most outspoken and hilarious women has packed her bags and is now in...
022 SIBINICUM MUNIMENTUM (CRO)DuMaR (MC , producer), Crescendo (MC, freestyler), Građanin Josip...
Aleš Bedrač alias DJ Splinta has been a DJ since 1998. In the past 16 years he co-created the...