Even the unbending Rade Šerbedžija had to yield under the rain of that monsoon-like night. But the disappointed audience together with Rade will get another chance to meet! Apparently, Rade is not one of those who would just shrug one’s shoulders after an unfinished concert and pack his bags. He offered to return, for no additional fee, together with the complete cast of Zapadni kolodvor and pianist Jure Ivanušič!
»The concert is organized anew on Rade’s request. He was feeling very sorry that he had to interrupt it – he was pretty captivated by the festival,« said his agent Sandi Maver. Once more we can look forward to a night of excellent music and Balkan humour. »The most important thing for him is the authentic connection he establishes with the audience and he was very happy to be back in Maribor after such a long time. He wants to maintain this connection and upgrade it, that’s why he is returning to Lent,« he summed up Rade’s reasons to come back to the floating stage on the Drava river.
The festival visitors got a second change and will spend another, longer evening with one of the most renowned actors and the author of six excellent albums, together with the band and pianist. The concert will take place on July 1st 2014 at 10 p.m. on the Central stage. After a small rescheduling, he will be going on stage after the Big Band of the Slovenian Armed Forces Orchestra , which will be presenting its instrumental love for different types of music genres from 8:30 p.m. on.