● Rosana Hribar in Gregor Luštek: FOURTEEN
Dance performance
Choreography and Performance: Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek
Text by Jernej Lorenci
Visual Image: Jernej Lorenci
Costumes: Alan Hranitelj
Music: Por una Cabeza (C. Gardel v izvedbi Rococo Quartet)
Translation and Projection: Jure Novak
Producer: Živa Brecelj
The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Ljubljana.
»He was walking down the boulevard and met her. He stopped. He didn't know why he stopped. But he stopped. And she was also walking down the boulevard and met him. And she also stopped. And she also didn't know why she stopped. But she stopped. They both stopped. And looked at each other for a bit.« Excerpt from Jernej Lorenci »Tišina 9«
The dance performance Fourteen focuses on the fourteen-year-long professional and intimate connection between two contemporary dancers, Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek, who tell their own life story through dance. With this performance the authors continue their series of internationally successful and awarded dance duos.
Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek are renowned choreographers and dancers of contemporary dance who have collaborated with the main initiators and founders of contemporary dance art in Slovenia. They have been awarded for their work at home and abroad.
● Kjara's Dance Project: CROSSROADS
Dance performance
Idea, concept and costumes: Kjara Starič Wurst
Dancers: Liza Šimenc, Jure Gostinčar, Katarina Čegovnik, Simona Kočar, Anamarija Bagarič, Anja Moderndorfer, Živa Vrečko and Barbara Žvar.
Story and in dramaturgy: Tomaž Letnar
Music: J.S.Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, Max Richter, George Frideric Handel, Julia Kent.
Assistant coreographer: Ana Jenček Dekleva
Costumes: Almina Duraković
Photography: Aljoša Rebolj
Studio: Gibalni Inštitut Vija Vaja
Coproduction: Cankarjev dom
This is a 30-minute excerpt from the performance ”Crossroads” (60 min).
In Kjara’s new performance, Kjara Starič, her group and co-workers deal with the motive of crossroads and the meaning of life decisions. It is much easier to stay in one’s comfort zone and live in an illusion that life is something that happens to us and that we do not own the power to live it the way we want to. But our lives can be much fuller and richer, if we decide to be brave and make our own decisions.
"One must dare to be happy."(Gertrude Stein)
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